Performance is the heart of Polestar.
then what does 'Ultimate Performance' mean?

Traditionally, performance has often been equated with 'high-speed racing'.
But is speed the only measure of performance in our daily lives?
By combining modern and Asian perspectives, 
Polestar 1.5 seeks to redefine what performance truly means.
The design process for the versatile layout was mainly inspired by the cocoon shape, 
which evokes both Scandinavian coziness and a sporty-protective vibe.

The interior layout will seamlessly transform
 between two modes depending on the driving conditions.
Within one car, it combines a cozy 2-seaters sofa for daily comfort 
and a center driving seat that gives an F1-like experience. 

A compact Polestar city car, 
accommodating 1-2 passengers, 
but with a luxurious and comfortable interior.

I would like to express my gratitude to Polestar Interior Design team 
for their full support throughout my internship and  Master’s thesis project !

Polestar 1.5

Polestar 1.5
